Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Play Kitchen

Well, it's been a couple of months without a regular flow of work coming in so I agreed to build a play kitchen for a friend of the family. It will be a Christmas present for her daughter.

This is based on the one we saw on the net when we were looking for one for our daughters Christmas present last year.
Since I have some skills, I decided to build it myself. Our friend saw ours and asked me to build one for for her.
Posted below is the rough idea for her to approve before I go get the supplies and start building.

I'll publish pics of it as it goes along.

I used Google sketch up to create the rough art. It's a fun program that I'm learning to use for projects like this and also for my illustration work. I recently used it to layout a house and downspout for my latest book, "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" from Ideals Publishing, due out spring of 2009.

You can see a couple of images from the book here.


It was great for rotating and looking at all of the possible angles. It made figuring out perspective a whole lot easier as well.

I'm considering doing some nursery rhyme art for my portfolio soon so I'll be using sketch up to lay out elements for those images as well.

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