This weeks word is Impossible.
My word play method wasn't getting me anywhere this week so I just started thinking of impossible things.
I didn't like anything I came up with so I took a break and went to the Library to get some books/magazines to flip through at home.
We're making a frog pond in our back yard so I picked up a copy of "Birds and Blooms" because we need to put some plants around the pond to make the future residents feel safe at the pond.
In the magazine was a series of photographs showing a caterpillar making a chrysallis and turning into a butterfly.
I have always wondered what went on inside that thing, so I started thinking of impossible things that could happen,
and so I drew the image below in my sketchbook and painted it up in watercolor and colored pencil as a color study.
The truly impossible part of the image is that he actually made that shot. That's a curve ball if I ever saw one.
Below are a couple of details from the image.
I like the way the fly came out. I went through several sketches to get the right feelling of a hard impact.
Who would have thought an innocent little chrysallis could be so violent. Must have a bit of venus fly trap in him.
I'm afraid to imagine the butterfly that will come out of it.
I have several ideas for little animated movies based on what could happen with a chrysallis now. I guess I'll have to dust off my old copy of Flash and see if I can make them.
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